CEO & Founder
BusinessI have been working in the non-profit sector for over 32 years. This has involved philanthropy, fundraising, service delivery, community support, major fundraising campaigns and working with major donors.
After establishing TLC for Kids in 1998, with my partner Ana Darras, I have worked with many community groups, philanthropic organisations and individuals, various foundations and have had experience with a variety of fundraising events and programs.
Over the years, along with a our Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Junior Board, dedicated staff and volunteers, we have developed National and International programs run from our office based in Brunswick, Victoria. By simplifying our services and working with healthcare professionals, we provide the fastest and most inclusive support across Australia without having to establish offices in each state or having paid staff in each hospital we work with.
We all have a duty of care and I believe that if you are in a position to help someone, you should do it. Regardless of the outcome.
“With effort, dreams become reality”.
My daily mantra
A phrase that resonates with me is a quote by the late Bryce Courtenay from his novel, The Power of One. “A waterfall starts with a single drop of water”. Everything and anything is possible, you just have to believe.
If I could provide any advice, I would say that surrounding yourself with people you look up to and care about is very important. I believe that respect, passion and kindness are key elements of life.
Regarding work/life balance, I consider myself extremely lucky to be working in a job that I truly love, and even though it’s an emotional roller coaster each week, there is no greater reward than knowing we have made a difference in someone’s life.
TLC for Kids is one of the greatest passions in my life and if you are ever looking to support a worthy cause that is helping more sick children than any other in Australia, I hope you consider being part of our cause to smile.
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