TLC for Kids is a not-for-profit children’s charity providing immediate, practical support for sick children and their families across Australia.
The mission is to put smiles back on sick kids’ faces. TLC for Kids is firmly based in the Australian community and depends on the support of individuals, businesses and organisations to survive and continue its vital work.
With a presence in over 400 hospitals and medical centres, TLC for Kids has become one of the country’s leading and most responsive distractional support services for sick children and their families.
One of the most valuable ways you can help TLC for Kids continue to care for hundreds of thousands of sick children and their families in need is by leaving a bequest in your will. When making a gift in your will, using the correct legal terminology is essential.
Creating a Will has traditionally been viewed as expensive and time-consuming, turning millions of people off completing something vital to them and their loved ones and enabling their passions and values to continue beyond their lifetime.
TLC for Kids has partnered with ‘Willed’, an online platform enabling you to complete your legally binding Will in a few simple steps from the comfort of your home.
Lawyers and tech experts created Willed, but more importantly, real people – to simplify the end-of-life planning process, saving you time, money and stress.
When you create your Will, you will be asked if you wish to leave a gift. Once your family and friends are cared for, you may wish to leave a percentage of your estate, or a specific nominated amount, to TLC for Kids.
If you prefer to create your own Will with your own lawyers, this information will be useful for you.
TLC for Kids is a Public Benevolent Society (ABN 34 335 920 537), registered charity with the ACNC and an Incorporated Association (A0037462K) operating under the guidelines from the ATO and various government agencies, including the ACNC, to ensure services and activities conducted by the organisation abide by current legislation. Under the ACT, TLC for Kids, as an organisation, has the power to acquire, hold and dispose of real or personal property or real estate.
Please use the following wording to leave a Bequest to TLC for Kids Inc.:
“I give devise and bequeath to TLC for Kids Incorporated (ABN 34 335 920 537) for the general purposes of TLC for Kids:
Note: choices (1), (2) and (3) should be followed by the statement, “after the payment of all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and all duties, taxes and charges payable on my Estate at my death.”
By the Wills Act, all Wills and Codicils must be in writing, signed by the Testator, and attested by two witnesses in the presence of the Testator and of each other.
TLC for Kids recommends you seek professional advice or the assistance of a solicitor when preparing your will, and thanks you for considering supporting TLC for Kids with a bequest.
TLC for Kids
G03/7 English St, Essendon Fields VIC 3041
If you are interested in making a Bequest to us or require any further details, contact 1300 361 461 or email info@tlcforkids.org.au.
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